Contrary to popular opinion, being seen as 'sexy' or 'attractive' by your date partner often comes from the inside out and not the other way around. Here are some proven tips on how you can attract your date in ways that will last:
  1. Making an effort: taking some time to dress nicely for your date is a simple but powerful way to make a good first impression on your date.
  2. Politeness works: being polite (standing up when your date arrives; waiting for your date to arrive before ordering; being kind and friendly to the wait staff; etc.) is a sure-fire attention getter. Creating an early impression that you are a kind and friendly person will often cause your date to give you a second look, even when they are not immediately attracted to you.
  3. Be relationship potential: tight fitting clothes or heavy cologne might work wonders in a bar, but whats far more important on a date is to give your date the impression that you are 'relationship potential'.  Avoid talking about your wild social life, or last weekend's late party night... aim instead to talk about things that interest you (and them): travel, friends, culture, music, food, etc.  Save your party hat for the party.
  4. Its not about you, its about them: making your date feel comfortable, relaxed and important is one of the sexiest things you can do on a date. Focus more on your date's happiness and you'll find that its reciprocated soon enough.
  5. Laughter - the great aphrodisiac: not everyone is blessed with a natural sense of humour, and cheesy or off-color jokes are to be avoided, but laughter is the way to someones heart. Make an effort to inject some humour on your date, and you'll soon find yourself making plans for a second date and beyond.