So you've made your Christmas Dating list and checked it twice.  Now, how to transform a 'Holidate'  into serious holiday romance? Here are 21 proven holiday dating conversation starters to maximize the chances of a romantic connection with someone new:
  1. Are you enjoying the holidays so far?
  2. What's the most fun thing you have done this holiday season?
  3. What's the most fun thing you have ever done over the holiday season?
  4. Tell a funny Christmas story from your childhood.
  5. Whats your favorite Christmas movie of all time?
  6. Whats the best Christmas gift you ever received?
  7. Whats the worst Christmas gift you ever received?
  8. Talk about your own 'best and worst' Christmas gift and why.
  9. Talk about some fun Holiday season events in town this year.
  10. Talk about the time you spent Christmas away from home and how that was.
  11. Talk about the Christmas you spent in a tropical place with sand and surf instead of snow!
  12. Do you have a more traditional or modern view of Christmas?
  13. Is Christmas your favorite time of year and why or why not?
  14. What is your #1 New Year's Resolution for 2011?
  15. Are you looking forward to 2011 and why or why not?
  16. What was the highlight of 2010 for you?
  17. Do you have a favorite holiday season cocktail?
  18. If your first date is going well, suggest a 2nd date at a local holiday event such as a Christmas market.
  19. What are you most looking forward to in 2011?
  20. Are you planning something big for New Year's Eve or just taking it easy?
  21. If your first date is going well, suggest getting together again in January for a casual 2nd date and you can talk about how the holiday season went!