You've been dating & you're serious about finding a relationship partner? Good. Learning from your dates, so that you INCREASE your chances of truly connecting with someone special? Great! Successful dating isn't complicated - it actually comes down to 3 key dating habits. Here they are!
  1. Put yourself out there:  if you've been single for a while & not meeting anyone, dating can feel daunting. But it doesn't have to be. Getting yourself out there is the first (and most important) step - you've nothing to lose but your single life.
  2. Practice makes perfect:  making small talk with someone new doesn't always feel natural - but here's the thing: awkward (or bad) conversation on a first or second date can be a real chemistry killer. Think of some interesting stories and topics that you enjoy and try them out on your date.
  3. Embrace the journey & you'll reach your destination:  if you've been dating for a while - or using dating apps - it can be easy to fall into "the dating vicious cycle" (you're unhappy with your dating life - you show it on your date - your date doesn't go well - repeat). Its time you break this cycle - be positive & the best version of you on your date (whether you feel chemistry or not) and you'll soon enter "the dating virtuous cycle" (you're positive & fun on your date - your date goes well and leads to a 2nd or 3rd date - which makes you feel even more positive and fun on your next date - repeat - repeat - relationship!).