First impressions matter in life. Even more so in dating. A bad first impression can end a potentially great date before it even starts.
On the other hand, making a great first impression can dramatically improve your chances of connecting on your date. Learn the right signals to send and watch your Love life soar. Here they are:
  1. If you're reliable:  showing up late for your first date is a sure-fire chemistry killer. We're all busy, but showing up really late on a first meeting sends your date the message that your time is more valuable than theirs. Be on time or, even better, show up a few minutes early.
  2. If you're warm & friendly:  a warm and friendly smile - "nature's aphrodisiac" - sends the message that you are relaxed and excited all at the same time. This will relax your date and create a ‘virtuous cycle’ of first date success.
  3. If you care:  you don’t need to wear a tuxedo or ball gown (in fact, avoid both on a first date!), but making an effort to look your best is an important part of making a good first impression on your date.
  4. If you're sincere:  a warm greeting - a handshake or a polite hug - sends a message of sincere happiness to see someone. Everyone wants to feel special, and they're more likely to reciprocate when that happens.
  5. If you're relationship material:  avoiding someone's gaze, bad posture or, worse yet, checking out other singles in the bar, sends a clear message that you're looking for something more casual, or simply not interested in your date.  Neither approach will help you connect with your date, particularly if he or she is true relationship potential.