Are you ready to find your relationship, but not meeting the right type of person? Maybe the problem isn't your date - its the mistakes you made before your date even began. But its not too late. Fix these 7 common dating mistakes, and get your love life back on track today:
  1. Avoid the chemistry trap:  yes, everyone wants chemistry - but its not the most important part of true 'relationship match'.  Sometimes the person you have intense chemistry with is not the right person for you. Look deeper.
  2. Commit:  in today's dating app world, your next match is just a swipe away (or more likely, 1,000 swipes). The reality is your best bet is sitting right in front of you. Put your phone down and focus.
  3. Looking for someone to 'complete' you:  expecting your partner to provide burning romance for ever more is an unrealistic expectation. The only one who can complete you, is you. Find someone who feels the same way about themselves, and now you're getting somewhere (good).
  4. The past is gone:  as time moves on from your past relationships, its easy to look back on them with rose-colored glasses - making your current connection seem less than perfect. Stop it. If your last relationship was so perfect, you'd still be together.
  5. The waiting game:  waiting for that one person you've been obsessing over to come your way can be an exercise in frustration. Your best bet? Move on - if they're truly interested, nothing will get their attention more quickly.
  6. Words matter. Actions matter more:  its easy to fall for someone initially when your love is new & time seems to fly by. But if you're finding, over time, that all the flowery words aren't leading you anywhere (like that weekend getaway that never happens) - consider it a red flag.
  7. Mix it up:  Albert Einstein said it best - 'the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result.' If you've been dating the same type of person without success, take a walk outside your comfort zone & take a chance on someone unexpected. Your love life will thank you.