Some relationships are built to last. Some are bound to fail. The question is: how do you know? Long-distance relationships can work. But if you and your partner aren't on the same page - at least not yet - they can also be doomed. But how can you tell if your relationship can survive the 'long-distance test'? Here's the 7 signs:
  1. Trust is a must:  no matter where they are, you should trust your significant other in order for you to be together. If that's not (yet) the case, take a step back and communicate openly with each other to understand the reason why.
  2. The future unknown:  healthy communication is essential to making long-distance relationships work, so make sure that you're at least attempting to form some sort of plan. How often will you see each other, when will you live together, etc.
  3. No compromise:  if you can't come to an agreement or compromise when it comes to your plans, it could be a danger sign of troubles ahead.
  4. You're not being honest:  As they say, it's the best policy. That phrase is especially true in long-distance relationships. Whether it's your annoyance with your partner missing your calls or your feelings of sadness without them by your side, you should be able to talk it out, discuss, and come close to some sort of healthy conclusion.
  5. You expect perfection:  nobody's perfect. Your relationship and your partner aren't exceptions to the rule. In fact, when you're entering unfamiliar territory, there's plenty of room for imperfection. Expect a few moments of frustration, annoyance, and confusion during long distance. It's all part of the learning process.
  6. You're just not willing to try:  you need to work toward having a very strong, solid base to your relationship when you're long distance. Be open, honest, and trusting. Take the time to figure out how and when is best to communicate with each other. Work at making each other feel special, even without seeing each other. All the things you work on during a normal relationship will need extra effort for in a long distance relationship.
  7. You're not hopeful or positive about being together:  if there is no bright side, then it might be time to re-evaluate why exactly you're doing this in the first place and whether or not your relationship comes from a healthy, positive, and fulfilling place.