Spring has arrived and you're ready for a relationship. Now comes the tricky part: how to find your special someone. Here are your options: luck, fate, chance, bars, online, through friends, work or activities, or hire a Matchmaker. That may sound challenging, or even scary. But it doesn't have to be. Simply follow these 10 easy steps and, before you know it, your love life will be back on track:
  1. Be positive:  you may be fed up with being single, but your best bet of changing that is to have a positive attitude about meeting someone new. People naturally want to be around people who make them feel good. Be that person.
  2. Be proactive:  waiting for your perfect match to come to you is a recipe for dating frustration. Put yourself out there, visit some new places, try some new activities, hire a Matchmaker! You have nothing to lose but your single life.
  3. Be persistent:  like most good things in life, finding your relationship may be neither quick nor easy - but that doesn't mean it can't be fun. It can and should be. If the methods you're trying aren't working, try something else.
  4. Be the person you want to meet:  imagine the qualities of someone you'd love to meet - genuine, sincere, active, takes care of themselves, interesting, fun, etc. - the more of these qualities you have yourself, the higher the likelihood you'll find you're partner.
  5. Be interested & interesting:  once you've met someone, be engaging on your date. Tell some fun travel stories, talk about movies you both love and listen as much as you talk when you're together.
  6. Be the best version of yourself:  we all have down days now & then, but do everything you can to ensure you are at your best on your date. Dress nicely, be energized and fun - you'll never get a 2nd chance to make a 1st impression.
  7. Be genuine:  relationship-minded singles are particularly drawn to singles who are genuine, and comfortable in their own skin. Trying to be someone or something you're not may mean you won't connect with your true match.
  8. Be prepared:  be ready for success on your date - think through how you'd like it to go, and be ready to propose a second or third date when your first date is gong well (which it likely will if you have this attitude).
  9. Be focused:  make your date feel like the only person in the place. Avoid checking out other people or the server, or checking your messages. Make them feel special and important and your chances of a second or third date will be far higher.
  10. Be serious:  once you've connected with someone, follow up and let them know how much you enjoyed meeting them. Make plans to see them again, and follow through. In today's 'dating app world', there's more dates being arranged than ever before, and also more dates being cancelled, re-scheduled, or simply never happening. Being reliable and true to your word has never been more important in the world of dating than it is today.