6 Great Pieces Of Dating Advice You Never Hear

April 18, 2024

If you’ve been single for a while, the dating world has changed a lot – in the past, it was hard to come by any good advice. Today, with the advent of dating apps, everyone seems to be a dating expert.

But sometimes too much dating advice is worse than none at all. Here’s the dating advice you never hear, but should:

  1. The more things change… :  don’t be fooled by all the new dating methods; the basics of meeting someone new are still the same. Be proactive, be positive and break free from your comfort zone and dating success will soon follow.
  2. You’re in charge of you:  success in dating, and life, starts and ends with you. Focus on the things you can control (your dating attitude, being a great date, etc.) and not on the things you can’t (will he/she like me).
  3. No, dating is not a numbers game:  unless the number you’re talking about is 1. Find a dating method and approach that works best for you – you can be a heavy volume dating app user, or you can be more selective – there’s no right or wrong way to date.
  4. It’s what’s inside that really matters:  yes in today’s image-obsessed dating app world, photos do matter (sadly, too much) – but the things that lead to relationship success can’t be seen only in an image. Get to know the real person, always.
  5. Being ready is the first step:  before you meet someone special, you need to first be truly ready for a relationship, not the other way around.
  6. Not all connections are love connections:  dating can be frustrating if you’re solely focused on meeting that special someone. Look at dating as a chance to meet new people and expand your social circle – added bonus: this will also dramatically improve your dating success.