“You never get a second chance to make a good first impression”… so the expression goes. This is true in life, and in dating… here are some quick and easy ways to make a GREAT first impression on your date:
  1. Dress for success: taking the time to dress nicely for your date is the first and most important element of a successful first date impression.
  2. Be on time: the most basic of all courtesies is to show your enthusiasm by being on time, or even a few minutes early for your date.  Good manners are a turn on for both sexes.
  3. Don’t worry, be happy: a wide smile and a warm and confident greeting sends a positive message that you are truly excited to meet someone.  Be it a hand shake or hug, make it firm but not crushing.
  4. The power of a sincere compliment: everyone wants to feel good about themselves.  Giving someone a sincere compliment (on how nice they look, or on a particularly appealing fashion accessory, etc.) is bound to make someone look more favorably upon you.