In dating and in life, looks matter. But does that mean that folks with naturally good looks will always have more success in life and Love?... actually, no. The truth is that "attractiveness" comes from a variety of factors, some of which you can't control, but many of which you can. To have success in life and in dating, focus on those factors that you CAN control and positive results will soon follow:
  1. Make an effort: just because you don't look like George Clooney or Angelina Jolie, doesn't mean that you shouldn't make every effort to look your best. Dress up, put on some nice cologne or perfume, get a haircut... showing up on your date looking your best sends the message that you respect the person you're meeting, and that's more sexy than anything.
  2. Nature's most powerful weapon: a smile, more than anything else, is nature's way of creating attraction. Practice your smile if you must, and by all means practice good oral hygiene, but most importantly smile early and often on your date. A smile will also relax your date, make them smile, and generally increase the chances of a Love connection.
  3. Confidence matters: its not always easy to project confidence, particularly if you're nervous or feeling insecure on your date. Our advice - fake it 'till you make it! A firm handshake or hug, maintaining eye contact, smiling, speaking clearly and confidently; all of these will project an air of confidence on the outside, even if you're not feeling it on the inside.
  4. Speak in body language: yes your mother was right, posture matters! Avoid slouching, lean slightly forward and towards your date, and generally adopt a posture of interest and engagement. These physical cues send the message that you are interested and engaged. Your date will notice, and will likely do the same, thus creating a 'virtuous cycle' of good dating outcomes.
  5. Be yourself: there is nothing more stressful, or harmful to your dating prospects, then trying to be someone you are not. Be yourself, relax and come prepared with a few discussion topics that interest you. Being relaxed = Being confident = Attractive.