Perfect or even good matches don’t just happen. In fact, waiting for Mr. or Ms. Right to come walking into your living room is rarely a successful approach. So how do you INCREASE your chances of meeting someone special, maybe even someone who you never thought you’d have the chance to meet? Here are 9 ways how:
  1. Be bold: as someone once famously said, ‘fortune favours the bold’, and that’s true for dating as well. Break out of your comfort zone and approach some new people in social and everyday settings. You have nothing to lose but your single life.
  2. Be creative: Einstein once said, ‘Insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting a different result’, and likewise for dating. Visit some new neighborhoods, do your weekly shopping in a different and new market, take some cooking classes, etc… every new situation is an opportunity to meet some new people.
  3. Be proactive: don’t wait for your special someone to find you; take some proactive steps to meet someone new. Professional dating services, such as Executive Search Dating, are successful in Vancouver for a reason: they work. Join one and see for yourself.
  4. Be first: one of the most common mistakes singles make when they are out socially is to not approach someone that interests them sooner rather than later. Staring at someone all night while you have a few more drinks to buck up your courage to introduce yourself may seem logical, but it usually fails. Your best bet in dating, and in life, is to commit to making the first step.
  5. Be positive: as simple and basic as it may seem, smiling and projecting a positive demeanor when in social situations is one of THE most important components of meeting someone new.
  6. Be fearless: losing the fear of approaching someone new is one of the most difficult challenges in dating, particularly in Vancouver. There is no magic solution to this one; however, asking yourself the following question may help: ‘What have I got to lose?’
  7. Be polite: forget about cheesy approach lines; when introducing yourself to someone new keep it simple and polite. After all, as Canadians, politeness in hard wired into us so its highly unlikely that someone will respond to politeness with rudeness.
  8. Be resilient: not everyone new that you meet will be single or interested in you, but don’t let that deter you. Meeting someone new is a numbers game at some level: the chances of connecting with someone will increase in proportion to the number of new people that you meet.
  9. Be optimistic: its natural to feel discouraged if you've been dating but not really connecting with someone. But being optimistic and hopeful is always the best strategy… and keep an open mind when you are meeting someone new. The truth is that the qualities that REALLY matter are the ones below the surface.