When you dream about your perfect partner, what do they look like? I’ll bet they’re very attractive – exactly your physical type, right? Physical chemistry is important – who are we kidding – but what happens when your dream relationship runs into real-life problems? Well, physical chemistry alone won’t save you. But this essential relationship quality will: Relationship Self-Awareness What is it?:
  • An ability to rise above the day to day issues (job, health, family, stress, etc.) and see the relationship as a whole.
  • An ability to discuss the overall state of your relationship, without getting dragged down into minute details and petty grievances.
  • An openness to seeing things from your partner’s perspective & being open to change & compromise for the sake of your relationship.
  • An ability to say you’re wrong.
How can you spot it?:
  • Is someone open to new ideas, or are they close-minded in your early conversations?
  • When discussing past relationships, do they blame their past partners or do they accept some of the blame themselves? Do they say they’ve learned from past relationships?
  • Do they anger easily & yell at restaurant staff, other drivers, etc.; do they constantly criticize others but never their own actions?
  • Do they value relationships with friends, family, co-workers, etc?